Professional blogging platform

Blognet is a web application which can be used to run a modern online publication. It offers many functionality and is easy to use.

Search functionality
Easy to use
URL friendly
Easy to manage
Third-party login

Tools and technologies

The frontend and backend technologies used to created this application

About blognet

Blognet is a web application written in C# ASP.NET which allows multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries. It supports create, read, update, delete, search of pages and comments, pagination, and more.

User authentication and management

Users with admins role can post new blog entries, edit existing entries, as well as add, edit, and delete comments to entries.

Moderators can also be assigned to manage and maintain the commenting community of the blog. A moderator may add, edit, or delete comments to entries.

Users wishing to leave comments must be authenticated by creating an account with the site or may login with one of the following a 3rd party account.

Theming with Handlebars

Text-based search function

Text-based search feature which allows a user to search through all blog posts and comments for the search criteria.


Pagination for your pages

Pagination function which help control the number of posts that are displayed on a page and avoid having too much information displayed on your list page at any given time.

Number of post per page

Ability to restrict the number of items matching a given criteria to 10, 20, or 50 items per page. Nuget package PagedList is used to accomplished this function.

An app of modern publishing functions

Blognet is a powerful content platform designed for the future

Easy to use dashboard

Dashboard that shows all the blogs that you’ve started or published. You can quickly start a new post, view or edit your blog, or jump into other areas.

URL-friendly title (slug)

Produces optional, URL-friendly version of a title, "like-this-one". providing both a smaller introductory display piece for a blog entry

Powerful rich text editor

Access to a rich text editor when creating and editing blog posts. Easily add in links, images, and text formatting to a blog posts with the help of jQuery plugin TinyMCE, which can be founded under Nuget package.

Web native: Desktop and mobile friendly on any device

Third party login

External login authorization. Use your existing social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or Google account to login.

Email service

Made use of MailNet which offer the ability to receive email using personal email provider’s smtp information.

Password Reset & Management

Self service password reset solution that allows a user to self reset his domain password in windows active directory remotely from a web browser.

Try Blognet as the following role:


Moderate comments to post entries
  • Add comments to post entries
  • Editable and deletable access to all users comments


Add, edit, or delete a post
Moderate comments to post entries
  • Add, edit, and delete posts
  • Add, edit, and delete comments
  • Assign admins/authors/moderators

Authenticated users

Register or use your Facebook or Google account to leave a comment
  • Add comments to post entries
  • Edit your comments